WT Series
The WT series of wood burners are somewhat unique as they are probably the only wood burning industrial space heater that can burn a variety of wood waste including hardwood, softwood, plywood, chipboards and MDF without the need for fitting an expensive secondary burner known as an after burner which is normally fired by gas or oil. These units have been approved and certified suitable for use within the clean air zones.
MODEL | KW/HR – BTU/HR | M³ /HR | MM | MM | MM | KG |
WT15 | 146/500,000 | 10240 | 2420 | 1180 | 2095 | 1700 |
WT10 | 89/300,000 | 5050 | 2050 | 1090 | 1970 | 920 |
WT5 | 47 /160,000 | 3010 | 1495 | 915 | 1715 | 710 |
A quick way to assess which unit is correct for you is by using the following;
To workout the correct size heater, use the volume of the factory L x W x H in metres, then multiply by the following;
1) O.03 if building has good insulation
2) 0.04 Average industrial unit
3) 0.05 for a poor quality building
The result will give the required kw/h
WT5 47 kw/h £6,400 + vat Burns 400-650 kg/week depends on fuel
WT10 89 kw/h £7,950 + vat Burns 800-1250 kg/week
WT15 146 kw/h £9,450 + vat Burns 1,000-2,000 kg/week
Delivery and commissioning and cost for the flu and ducting will be extra depending upon requirements.