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J & C O'Meara | Woodworking Machinery | UK

It's all about Panelsaws....

The Genisis range of sliding table panelsaws have proved as popular as ever with several installations taken place over the summer season.

Introduced in 2007, the Genisis machines have proved to be a popular choice for a wealth of industries catering for kitchen and bedroom furniture production, shopfitters, high end furniture makers, exhibition display companies, companies cutting plastics and composites and have proved to be solid, reliable machines even when placed in the harshest of environments.

The Kitchen Factory (Liverpool) invest in another Genisis XM

Genisis XM to The Kitchen Factory

This installation is a true testament to the strength, quality and durability of the Genisis range of panel saws. The reason..? This new machine joins another Genisis XM supplied in 2008 which has been worked hard in a busy kitchen and bedroom supply company. The new machine now offers additional capacity and has an extended rip fence to cater for jumbo boards.

Maple Leaf Carpenters Invest in a Genisis XM

Another Liverpool based company are Maple Leaf Carpentry who, having recently moved to larger premises needed to increase their production. Catering for the bespoke, high end interior furniture Maple Leaf needed an accurate, robust and durable machine to assist in moving forward with their business.

Blue Insignia Invest in a new Genisis X2

Having set up in 2011, Blue Insignia originally purchased a complete workshop of machines from us including one of our Genisis XM panel saws. Having used the machine for 9 years, they decided they wanted something a little more automated, so having been more than happy with the Genisis XM, it was only natural they moved up the range with the selection of the Genisis X2. The new machine has the control panel mounted at eye level where the motorised movements for the raise, lower, tilt and scorer movement can easily be operated. The new machine also benefits from the additional start/stop mounted on the sliding table.

GM Bespoke Joinery get off to a flying start with the Genisis X3 Plus.

GM Bespoke Joinery have started manufacturing in style by selecting a new Genisis X3 Plus CNC sliding table panel saw. As any manufacturer will appreciate, the sliding table panel saw is arguably the most important purchase they will make. From that very first cut is the start of the manufacturing process, the final products accuracy and quality being largely determined by the sliding table panel saw.

Genisis X3 Plus delivered and commissioned in North Somerset

This Genisis X3 Plus was delivered to a kitchen manufacturer in Weston Super Mare and was supplied with the optional digital displays to the cross cut fence along with the additional start/stop mounted on the sliding table. The colour touchscreen mounted at eye level offers a host of functions including programmable blade height, blade tilt and movement of the 1500mm rip fence. The scorer also has motorised adjustments and automatically drops down when not in use.

Genisis X3 Plus delivered and commissioned in North London

Once again, the Genisis X3 Plus has been the machine of choice to an interior design and manufacture company based in North London. The company purchased the machine having already purchased one of our popular Genisis 512S edge banding machines back in 2015.

Why not check out the sliding table panel saw on our website where there are video clips and a brochure download or simply give us a call on 01704 893109 to find out more about these premium quality machines.


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